The Alliance Against Antisemitism is a powerful new force in the battle against the hatred of Jews. The shocking wave of Jew hatred that has erupted in America since October 7th must be forcefully opposed. CFL's capabilities for filing lawsuits directly against those that practice cancel culture in ways that cross legal limits in order to bring consequences for their actions is essential to deterring this activity. We have used this same model to deter Antisemitism by holding the perpetrators accountable to applicable laws. We have also ensured these legal actions receive widespread media attention, which dramatically reduces this practice.
The Alliance is bringing together Jews, Christians, and any person or organization that opposes the extremists that are driving these actions. We have created the Alliance Directory to help those who oppose this mindless ideologically driven hatred of the Jewish people, so they can work together effectively. The Alliance Directory is a searchable database that includes: Think Tanks, Grassroots Organizations, Associations, Advocacy Organizations, Networking Groups, Private Foundations, potential Donors or Funding Groups, Legal Organizations, Lawyers, Religious Organizations, Youth Organizations, Aligned Media, and Service Organizations or Aligned Businesses. We are uniquely well-positioned to bring together these groups to foster collaboration and route resources and help from those who have it to those who need it.
Additionally, as part of its strategic partnership with The Heritage Foundation, CFL has joined their National Task Force to Combat Antisemitism: We are helping to bring new partners to this effort, while helping those in it to connect with the resources and services they need.
CFL will also directly, and/or in partnership with aligned groups, fund or otherwise assist lawsuits against extremist organizations that commit actionable offenses, as well as against universities or other educational institutions that fail in their obligations to protect Jewish students, or other groups, companies, or individuals that cross legal lines. We intend to name, publicize, and hold accountable those who perpetrate such actions. Media attention ensures those who are committing such acts understand the consequences of their actions, while reassuring Jews that they have a powerful coalition determined to stop this hatred and provide them the help they need.
The Alliance Directory can be used to search for assistance and connection on your own, but Coalition For Liberty staff is available to assist you with custom searches or introductions to groups that can help you. Contact us for any help or assistance here.
By virtue of any organization being included in the directory, neither the Coalition for Liberty, nor the included organization, represents that (i) the parties are affiliated in any way with each other or the personnel of either, or (ii) it endorses any statement, position, opinion or action of the other organization or its personnel.
In order to search the Directory views below, first click on the "Filter" button. Then select "Add Condition" and use the drop down fields to build your search query. If you need help, just click here and use the form to submit your request to CFL.
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Coalition for Liberty, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation, and has been recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code.
Copyright Coalition for Liberty, Inc. 2023 - 2025
Phone: 704-936-2390